How can I leave a gift in my Will
Leaving a Gift in your Will
To leave a gift to Marjorie McClure School Fund you must ensure that your Will states our full name, address and Registered Charity Number:
Marjorie McClure School Fund
110 Slades Drive
Charity number: 1066610
What kind of gift can I make?
It is important to indicate which type of gift you wish to leave. You can leave a restricted gift for a specified purpose, or an unrestricted gift, which has no conditions attached. An unrestricted gift allows us to make the most of your generosity according to our area of greatest need at the time. There are four main types of legacy gift.
Residuary legacy
A residuary legacy is a share of your estate. This can either be a percentage of what remains once your loved ones are provided for. As this gift is a proportion of your estate, it keeps pace with inflation.
Pecuniary legacy
A pecuniary legacy is a fixed sum of money. You can choose to leave any amount, but since inflation reduces its value, you may wish to review the gift from time to time. You can also index link a pecuniary legacy to ensure it keeps its value in line with inflation.
Specific legacy
You can leave a gift of a particular item such as property or shares.
Reversionary legacy
A reversionary legacy allows a beneficiary such as a spouse or a dependent to benefit from your assets during their lifetime, such as living in your house, with all or part of the assets passing to the College on their death. This provides peace of mind that a loved one’s interests will be protected in their lifetime.
A possible form of words to include in your Will might be along the following lines:
I give to Marjorie McClure School Fund, 110 Slades Drive, Chislehurst, BR7 6FG, (Registered Charity Number: 1066610) (‘the Charity’)
a [specify percentage] % share of/the residue of my estate
the sum of £ [specify value]
my [insert full description of item and its location]
to be used for the general purposes of the Charity, and I declare that the receipt of the Treasurer or duly authorised officer for the time being of the Charity shall be a full and sufficient discharge to my Executors.