Local Committee
Andrew Stammers - Chair of Local Committee
Community Local Committee Member
Charity Trustee Committee elected by Local Committee
HAT - Achievement, Curriculum, Standards
Date of Appointment March 2024
Term of Office: October 18th March 2024 - 17th March 2028
Meeting attendance 2023-2024: 10 out of 10 meetings
Trustee of the School Voluntary Fund
Register of interests: None Declared
Governance roles in other educational institutions - None
I believe passionately in the right of all children, irrespective of ability or disability, to be able to experience the best education that is available and have full access to opportunities for personal development. My beliefs echo the school motto, “Inspiring success”. My understanding is that Marjorie McClure provides this for local children across a broad spectrum of physical and mental disabilities. I was really impressed during my recent visit by the professionalism and dedication of all of the staff. It was also wonderful to have the opportunity to meet some of the pupils who are clearly benefiting from this supportive and inspirational environment. I hope that I would be able to offer my skill set, experience and perspective as an external member of the team to help the Local Committee move forward into the next exciting stage of its development. You can be assured of my full commitment.
Rebecca Cottage - Head Teacher
- Member of the Local Committee by virtue of position in school
appointment in accordance with the Trust's Articles of Association
- Term of Office: Since September 2019
- Meeting attendance 2023-2024: 10 out of 10 meetings
- Trustee of the School Voluntary Fund
- Register of interest: None declared
- Governance roles in other educational institutions - None
Kieran Terry
- Community Local Committee Member
- Date of Appointment 1 October 2020
- Meeting attendance 2023-2024: 6 out of 7 meetings
- Trustee of the School Voluntary Fund
- Register of interests: None declared
- Governance roles in other educational institutions - None
Adil Ghani
- Community Local Committee Member
- Date of Appointment 10th January 2022
- Term of Office : 10th January 2022 - 9th January 2026
- Meeting attendance 2023-2024: 6 out of 7 meetings
- Charity Trustee Committee elected by Local Committee
- Trustee of the School Voluntary Fund
- Register of interests: None Declared
- Governance roles in other educational institutions - None
I want to become a School Local Committee member because I want to give back to my community. I have time, a unique experience and ideas to share, which I believe will benefit the school. I have been a trustee of a national charity called Panathlon Challenge since 2015; this has given me experience in the strategic management of an organisation that provides sporting opportunities to young people with disabilities at a national level.
I believe education is a vital aspect of any individual's life and it's the school's job to provide a high-quality education for their students. Schools should provide students with the life skills necessary to live and succeed beyond school. In recent years, some schools have overlooked the importance of teaching life skills in favour of academic success. I firmly believe that academic success and life skills must go hand in hand as doing one without the other can leave an individual's future compromised. Students living with disabilites can often be overlooked or their talents underestimated. The lack of opportunities can have a detrimental outcomes for the students, thus leaving them marginalised in wider society. As someone living with a disability, I want to ensure all students are afforded the best opportunities to excel.
I have an affinity towards Marjorie McClure; having been a student from 2003 - 2014, I have a unique insight as I am an ex-student of the school and live with a disability. This perspective, to my understanding is not currently represented on the board of governors.
I am passionate about ensuring that young people with disabilities get the opportunities they need to be successful and should be taught how to advocate for themselves to get the support they may need to pursue and achieve their goals.
I believe I'm in a position to be able to relate to students, advocating for them with in-sight and appreciation of the challenges they face. Also understanding the barriers these students may face in life beyond school, I would like to help ensure students are well equipped to explore opportunities to excel without being limited by superficial perceptions of themselves and those from others.
Beverley Pace
- Community Local Committee Member
- Date of Appointment 13th October 2022
- Term of Office : 13th October 2022 - 12th October 2026
- Charity Trustee Committee elected by Local Committee
- Meeting attendance 2023-2024: 6 out of 7 meetings
- Trustee of the School Voluntary Fund
- Register of interests: None Declared
- Governance roles in other educational institutions - None
My daughter Holly went to Marjorie McClure School from the age of 3 to 18 years old. I could not have wished for a better all-round education and support system and I am forever grateful for that.
I'd like to give something back to the school and hope that my experience in charity work and fundraising can be of help as the school moves forward on to the new site and a new chapter in its history.
Kate Skelton
- Parent Local Committee member
- Date of Appointment 13th October 2022
- Term of Office : 13th October 2022 - 12th October 2026
- Meeting attendance 2023-2024: 5 out of 7 meetings
- Charity Trustee Committee elected by Local Committee
- Trustee of the School Voluntary Fund
- Register of interests: None Declared
- Governance roles in other educational institutions - None
On a professional level, I have worked for more that a decade in national journalism and public relations for charities. My background means I naturally question and analyse, enjoy building relationships and now work on a daily basis with families across the country to highlight injustice. In the charity sector I have worked with chief executives and trustees to manage budgets and achieve real change that I will always be proud of.
I hope that these skills, my keenness to support the school and its dedicated staff, while also not being afraid to ask difficult questions, makes me the right choice for the role of parent local committee member.
Amanda Jones
- Parent Local Committee member
- Date of Appointment 13th October 2022
- Term of Office : 13th October 2022 - 12th October 2026
- Meeting attendance 2023-2024: 7 out of 7 meetings
- Charity Trustee Committee elected by Local Committee
- Trustee of the School Voluntary Fund
- Register of interests: None Declared
- Governance roles in other educational institutions - None
Like all parents my child's future is of the upmost importance to me and since my child entered Marjorie McClure School at the age of eleven I have been incredibly impressed with the care she has received and the progress she has been able to make. I am extremely keen to give something back to the school who have given so much to my child, hence my application to be a parent local committee member
In terms of my skills and background, I have worked within a school setting for the past 10 years. This has enabled me to learn more about the inner workings of how a school operates, tutors the children in its care, manages risks and resolves conflict.
I have a deep understanding of the needs and challenges other parents and children with additional needs can face on a day-to-day basis. I feel that my professional skills, combined with my passion for making a difference to the lives of children such as mine, who need particular care and attention, would make me a suitable candidate to consider for the position of Parent Local Committee member.
My main priority is to make sure that our children have a safe and secure environment to learn in and that they are given every opportunity to thrive and reach their full potential in the setting of Marjorie McClure School. Therefore, I would be delighted to be given the opportunity in making a difference in the education of not just my child, but to the school as a whole.
Debbie Tompkins
- Community Local Committee Member
- Date of Appointment 14th December 2023
- Term of Office : 14th December 2023 - 13th December 2027
- Meeting attendance 2023-2024: 5 out of 5 meetings
- Register of interests: None Declared
- Charity Trustee Committee elected by Local Committee
- Governance roles in other educational institutions - None
I have worked in primary education for the past 40 years , in four local education authorities. The primary schools I have worked in have been varied in terms of size, diversity, community schools and finally in a faith school. They have all been mainstream, however, in the last 10 years children with SEND increased in the school. I have worked closely with the governing body and 5 Chairs of Governors. I valued and knew the importance of their support, guidance and counsel, to ensure the best outcomes for our children and the best learning environment for the children and staff.
My greatest passion was to "grow the learning" of the children and staff alike and design a curriculum that all children could access at whatever level they were able to, to not feel excluded from and were integrated completely into their class. I believe that developing children's attitudes, a willingness to have a go and not to worry about failing, preparing them for the next stages of education and life, was equally as important as achieving the best they could academically. It was important to me that the school was a happy place to be for everyone in the community and was described on many occasions and recognised by Ofsted, as being like a family, something I note that your school is described as too.
Tracy Lelliott - Staff Local Committee Member
- Community Local Committee Member
Date of Appointment: 15th November 2024
Meeting attendance 2023-2024: NA
- Register of interests: None declared
- Governance roles in other educational institutions - None
Irene Morley - Governance Professional
Nest Register of Interests
Members No Longer Serving - September 2024
Tracy Lelliott - Clerk
Lauren Cole - Parent Governor
Governors No Longer Serving - July 2024
Dale Malcolm
Josie Hills
Andy Stone
Louise Duffell
Jackie Little
Peter Knowles
Denise James Mason
Steve Scobie
Harry Ward
Kate Widgery
Cheryl Cosgrave
Carol Robjohns
Ellen Worf
June Hurn
Kate Georgiev
Tracey Dudley
Carol Harris Edwards