Academy Consultation
We are inviting parents, staff and members of the wider Marjorie McClure community to share your comments on a proposal for our school to convert to Academy status as part of Nexus Education Schools Trust (NEST) which is a locally formed Multi Academy Trust (MAT).
Over the past month, we have continued to work with NEST in HR, Finance and education and discuss the implications of joining a Multi Academy Trust, as both a viable option for the challenges as a single foundation school and as a way to capitalise on the benefits of aligning ourselves with a successful group of schools which share a strong moral purpose, are outward looking, and have high expectations for our provision and understanding of the needs of our pupils and students. We are therefore beginning the consultation, which is part of the process of exploring this option. It begins today and ends on Friday 7TH June 2024.
Please take a look at the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) below, and we will update the FAQs weekly in response to questions raised during the consultation so that everyone is kept informed.
Converting to Academy status within a Multi Academy Trust will:
- Support and develop the highest quality of leadership and management.
- Support and develop the highest quality and provision of teaching and learning.
- Give us greater freedoms in developing the school curriculum to make sure that it is tailored to the needs of our pupils thus ensuring high expectations for all.
- Enable us to continue to develop our offer to our pupils and students.
- Bring economic benefits such as centralised services.
- Enable us to work with other schools to support each other in school improvement.
- Support the development of staff in schools across the Trust.
We are very proud of Marjorie McClure School and want to ensure that we continue to be successful by driving forward our offer and provision through working in partnership with the other schools which are part of the Nexus Education Schools Trust (NEST).
Consultation Letter
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)
Academy Consultation
Please take a look through the FAQ's on this web page which should give answers to commonly asked questions. If you have any further questions please submit them via the form below. The questions will be answered via updates to this webpage so answers are available for all to see.
Consultation Questions:
Which other trusts did you consider and why did you decide against these? What consideration was given to joining a MAT which includes Special Schools either within or beyond Bromley?
The Governing Body considered mixed age phased MATs with no Special schools and Special school groups. We have looked locally and regionally, as specific special school groups are more limited. Each organisation had different strengths and for MMC governors the priority was for a local provider with strong education provision, special expertise, financial and support services. We wanted to ensure access for staff development and school to school networking, increasing opportunities for our pupils offer. NEST strategic priority was to further develop SEND both in mainstream and specialist provision and for Governors the potential to wider the pupil offer and the drive to grow and develop further specialist provision in which Majorie McClure would be able to take a lead was a strength.
Over a number of years, the school has had the privilege of informal partnerships and delivering projects with local specialist schools, LA and networks. Marjorie McClure will continue to play a part in the development of Specialist provision with Bromley and beyond. NEST is committed to ensuring its partnerships with schools and Local Authorities is central to the development of its provision for the benefit of our community. It was felt that NEST had the financial and educational resources to enable us to further develop our inclusive partnerships.
What expertise is there within NEST with regard to running a Special School?
The Central staff and advisors have experience of leading specialist schools /provision. NEST staff teach in a NEST ASD provision as well has having experience in meeting specific educational need in both mainstream and special schools. The CEO was a Head and LA advisor for Special Schools and provision. She was also trained OFSTED Inspector for Special Schools in primary, secondary and independent schools. She has led learning across the ages phases and has taught in a PMLD school and led a Language and Communication provisions for a local authority. The Trust continues to work with partners outside of the organisation further enhancing potential support offers to Marjorie McClure
NEST does not include any secondary schools. How will NEST effectively support the secondary and FE departments of Marjorie McClure?
NEST Staff and Governance has experience of working across all phases in education from Nursery to FE. Staff and advisors employed by NEST have led all phases of specialist schools and groups. The CEO was a Local Authority Improvement advisor for special secondary, primary schools and specialist provision. The Trust works with all ages and phases and is brokered to work with different organisations by the Department of Education and Local Authorities. NEST has been commissioned by the LA to support the school during its transition from the old school site to new, supporting curriculum provision and governance.